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Dioscean Links
Diocese of Fort Worth The Diocese of Fort Worth was established August 9, 1969, after being part of the Diocese of Dallas for almost 80 years.
Catholic Charities of Fort Worth founded in 1910 to meet the needs of the poor, and to care for orphaned and abandoned children.
Nolan High School Your Catholic College Preporatory School.
Educational & Research
NASA Information on Aerospace Technolovy, Earth Science, NASA for kids.
Library of Congress Copy right Office, Exibits on line, Americas Library-Fun site for kids and family.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram Link to the front page, international, national, and local information.
Dallas Morning News Archives, community news, and weather.
New York Times News, opinions, features, services. Lots of headlines.
Religious & Other Sites
The Holy See The Pope’s official website. Also the Catechism of Catholic Church, library and more.
Catholic Stuff Prayers, novenas, “What is the Magisterium?, What do Catholics believe?
Catholic.com Catholic answers, apologetics and evangelization.
Catholic USA.com Your guide to Catholic Internet Resources with over 6500 links.
Medjugorge.org Since 1981 in a small village named Medjurorge in Bosni-Herzegovina the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing and giving messages to the world.
Marian Apparitions Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the 20th century.
Employment Opportunities
Career Builder.com Find the right job, 300,000 + to chose from.
Job Hunt.com Executive recruiting, job listings, search profile
Americas Job Bank 1 million jobs nation wide, create & post your resumes online.
Federals Jobs Digest Job descriptions, federal benefits, federal resume advice.
HotJobs.com Find your calling…search by category, company, staffing firm, US Locations.
USA Jobs Job openings, Hot jobs, Student jobs, + more.
Governor’s Job Bank Labor market information, Faith based & Community based services.
WorkAdvanage Employment & Training, job listings, job fairs, child care. They are just 2 blocks from the school at 2100 North Main Street.
Movies & Entertainment
All Reviews.com Thousands of reviews, movies/videos, Top 100 videos, Top 100 Videogames.
Cinema Spot.com Watch movies online, latest movie trailers, movie trivia, just about more movie information than anyone on the net.
MRGE.com Entertainment, travel, computers, home life & more.
CNN.com Entertainment, top stories, and music.
DFW.com The Dallas/Fort Worth everything guide, great for planning a weekend.
WBAP.com Traffic reports, weather center, school closings, and talk shows.